
“VETO” social-political movement’s announcement on joining in student’s fight

Today, on 11.11.2019, “VETO” social-political movement convened an inclusive meeting having one issue on the agenda - Armenian students’ fight against the antinational and destructive policies of the government in the spheres of education, science and culture.

A few months before “VETO” announced that the power in Armenia had been seized by a foreign agent network. The destructive activities of this network cover all state sectors without exception, but are most evident and distressing in the following areas: education, science, culture, church, social services, judicial system, army, law enforcement bodies. These areas are the main targets of George Soros' hirelings.

A group of wretches, paid by American billionaire George Soros, ruin the national value system, replacing it with a new system of heroes such as transgender prostitutes, gays, runaways, cowards, mercenary and unprincipled people.

“VETO” unreservedly welcomes Armenian students’ truthful outburst, and is ready to help and support young Armenians in their fight. On our initiative, soon we will meet student organizations on organizational clarifications; meanwhile “VETO” members will actively participate in all protest actions.

As we have already mentioned, this is our Vardananq. They want to convert us forcibly as 15 centuries ago.

“VETO” social-political movement