A report on crime is submitted to NSS by "VETO" social-political movement

Dear Mr. Kyaramyan,

The Open Society Foundations (commonly known as the Soros Foundation), a foreign agent operating in Armenia since 1997, through the financial means of well-known oligarch George Soros carries out activities which, in their essence, pose a direct threat to Armenia's constitutional order and national security.

This anti-national organization, that has seized different spheres of the state, nation and society, with the help of its grantees /the sorosists/, has no moral barrier or brake.

One of the succeeding targets of the Soros Foundation is the incitement of enmity and creation of an inter-ethnic conflict between the national minorities of Armenia, in particular, the Yezidi and Armenian nations.

The latter is expressed as follows:

The “Yezidi Center for Human Rights” non-governmental organization chaired by a citizen of the RA Sashik Sultanyan, was registered in the Republic of Armenia in December 2018 and has been operating ever since.

The sponsor of this organization is the Soros Foundation.

I think that, in particular, through citizen Sashik Sultanyan, the Soros Foundation has launched an illegal, anti-national, anti-state campaign in Armenia, the overall and main goal of which is the overthrow of the independent Armenian statehood.

The crimes unleashed by the Soros Foundation are numerous, but in this matter I would like to draw your and the RA NSS attention to the crime obviously committed by the Soros Foundation and through Sultanyan, which is envisaged by Article 226 of the RA Criminal Code, that is inciting national, racial or religious enmity.

Sashik Sultanyan, through the so-called “Yezidi Human Rights Center” founded by him and funded by the Soros Foundation, carries out propaganda, spreads obviously false and dangerous information, the only purpose of which is to sow enmity between the Armenian and Yezidi peoples, to overthrow centuries-old friendship of our peoples and to provoke a new inter-ethnic conflict.

It is obvious that such actions, aimed at provoking an inter-ethnic conflict, are a serious threat to the national security of the Republic of Armenia, and are fraught with unpredictable and tragic consequences.

I am convinced, that the hasty termination of that joint criminal activity is the duty of our state, and the friendship of the Armenian and Yezidi peoples must be devoid of the dirty hands of various foreign agents and criminal influences.

According to Article 226 of the Criminal Code of the RA

1. Actions aimed at the incitement of national, racial or religious hatred, at racial superiority or humiliation of national dignity, are punished with a fine in the amount of 200 to 500 minimal salaries, or with correctional labor for up to 2 years, or with imprisonment for the term of 2-4 years.

2. The actions envisaged in part 1 of this Article committed:

1) publicly or by mass media, with violence or threat of violence;

2) by abuse of official position;

3) by an organized group, are punished with imprisonment for the term of 3 to 6 years

In the textbook "Criminal Law of the Republic of Armenia. Special part” published in 2007, at Yerevan State University Publishing House, under the editorship of professor, corresponding member of NAS RA G. Ghazinyan, on page 536 the following is mentioned in the interpretation of the crime envisaged by Article 226 of the RA Criminal Code.

"Actions aimed at inciting national, racial or religious enmity are the dissemination of ideas or views that undermine trust and respect for any nation, race or religion, sow hatred against the lifestyle, culture, traditions and customs of the nation, race or religion." The most common forms of national, racial or religious animosity are: a. creation of a negative image of a nation, race or religion, b. attribution of real or imaginary negative characteristics of individuals to the whole nation, representatives of race or religion, c. blaming members of another nation, race, or religion for the predicament of their own nation, race, or religion; d. accusing members of another nation, race or religion of plotting hostile acts against their own nation; e. the requirement of coercion against another nation, race or religious group, etc.

Furthermore, the ideas and views that are being spread should be general and not specific to a particular person. And if the ideas and views refer to a specific person, then the corpus delicti in question will exist only if, in addition to spreading such ideas or views about a specific person, generalizations are made, too. For example, by attributing the negative characteristics of a particular person, they attribute them to the whole nation or race.

These ideas and views can be disseminated through both oral and written texts, through advocacy.

The purpose of such actions is to sow mutual distrust, hatred and contempt among people of different nationalities, races or religions.”

On June 8, 2020, Sashik Sultanyan gave interviews to the website www.yazidinews.com operating in the Republic of Iraq, in the Yezidi language. During these interviews he shared false information, which in essence coincides with the act and its interpretation in Article 226 of the RA Criminal Code. /find attached videos and their translations/.

Thus, during the interview, in particular, S. Sultanyan, as directed by the Soros Foundation, stated the following.

  • The rights of Yezidis are not protected in Armenia.
  • Armenia does not fulfill its international obligations to protect the rights of national minorities, including Yezidis.
  • The Yezidi language is not taught in Armenia.
  • There is discrimination against Yezidis.
  •  Yezidis are not sure about their future in Armenia.
  • Armenian "oligarchs", using the patronage of the state, deprive Yezidis of their lands, there are at least 30-40 such cases.
  • During 1988-2006, there was a chauvinist movement in Armenia, with the demand that only Armenians live in Armenia, and Yezidis were shot and expelled from their homes.
  • Yezidis do not see their future in Armenia.
  • The Yezidi language has no progress in Armenia, it is only experiencing a degress, the Yezidis in Armenia are losing their culture.
  • There is a fear among Yezidis about their future in Armenia.
  • Yezidis go to Russia, where they live economically worse than in Armenia, but they do not return.
  • In the Armavir region, the Yezidis, the residents of the village of Ferik, inhabited by Yezidis, have been deprived of their land by the Armenian oligarch and have no means of livelihood.
  • In villages inhabited by Armenian Yezidis, it is actually forbidden for a village head to be a Yezidi.
  • Yezidis in the village of Ferik are not allowed to talk about their problems.
  • After getting married, Yezidi youth are expelled from Armenia so that they do not see the suffering of their older generation.
  • Yezidis never consider Armenia to be their country.
  • Yezidis are in fact prohibited from working in the state apparatus of Armenia.
  • There is no drinking water in the Yezidi village of Tlik because the residents are Yezidis, there is no 10-year school in that village, only an 8-year school.
  • The economic life of the Yezidis in Armenia is not deliberately improved so that they are forced to emigrate.
  • In economic terms, Yezidi and Armenian villages are not equal, the situation in Armenian villages is much better.
  • Armenians tell Yezidis that they have no right to own land in Armenia.
  • Yezidis are not allowed to enter their own lands.
  • There will be no Yezidis left in Armenia in 50 years, everyone is leaving.
  • There is no Yezidi cultural center in Armenia, there is one temple that does not function.
  • The Yezidis of Iraq are not aware of the suffering of the Yezidis in Armenia, etc.

It is obvious that S. Sultanyan, publicly and using the media, in a way accessible to an unlimited audience, carried out actions aimed at inciting national enmity between the Armenian and Yezidi peoples.

The Soros Foundation and he create a negative image of Armenia and Armenians in the eyes of the Yezidis, they attribute alleged illegal actions of some Armenians to the whole Armenian nation, they blame Armenia for possible difficult social, educational and living conditions of Yezidis living in rural areas, the Armenian state, that is the Armenian nation is accused of violating the rights of the Yezidis, etc.

It is interesting that the same person, Sashik Sultanyan, during the days of the change of power in Armenia in April 2018 made posts on his Facebook page, where he stated:

"I do not know what the course of the political turmoil will be, but I would very much like the new authorities to be able to at least maintain their work and attitude towards national minorities as it was during Serzh Sargsyan's time. A lot of work has been done in this very direction, for which I publicly thank Mrs. Nara Gulyan for the joint work. "

That is, it is obvious that S. Sultanyan had a completely different opinion about the situation of the Yezidis in Armenia, at least as of April 26, 2018.

It is interesting that the provocation of ethnic enmity became S. Sultanyan's working style only after he started cooperating with the Soros Foundation and received a $ 10,000 grant from this foundation for his center on September 27, 2019.

On that account, it is obvious that the case of sowing enmity between the Armenian and Yezidi peoples is not so much S. Sultanyan’s initiative, who, in my opinion, is a regular greedy self, who is unconcerned about how one can earn money, it is the overall image of an average sorosist, but the initiator of this vile affair is the Soros Foundation.

The act of the Soros Foundation–providing a grant to S. Sultanyan is to be thoroughly inspected, as it is obvious that the crime that occurred was organized and directed by the officials of that foundation.

It appears necessary to find out who the real patrons of such an unacceptable act are and what obscure goals they pursue.

One part of the overall plan to destroy Armenia is to incite ethnic hostility, why not clashes, with Armenia's largest national minority, the fraternal Yezidi people, as well as to sow hatred against the Armenian nation, particularly among the Yezidis living in Iraq.

Representatives of our fraternal Yezidi people, in particular Aziz Tamoyan, the chairman of the National Union of World Yezidis, spoke out against the Soros Foundation and Sultanyan's criminal activities. Aziz Tamoyan, on his own initiative, called me and enlightened that none of the mentioned problems are real for Yezidi people in Armenia. He expressed his readiness to testify about all this to the Armenian law enforcement bodies, if necessary.

Informing about the above mentioned, I would like to plead

Initiate a criminal case under Article 226, Part 2 of the RA Criminal Code on the fact that the Soros Foundation and Sashik Sultanyan’s actions aimed at inciting national hostility and bring all the guilty persons to justice.

I've attached,

The laser video disc with the videos of Sultanyan's interviews, the translation of the interviews, the reprint of April 26, 2018 post from Sultanyan's FB page, the reprint of the grant receipt from the Soros Foundation.

Crime reported by 
Narek Malyan